Romantik of Color
January 21, 2025

Celebrated in their time, many are almost unknown today: although European and American music history of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries focuses on white composers, pioneering composers of color were also active during the Romantic era, enriching and expanding classical music with their compositions.
The new concert program Romantik of Color by the Namu Ensemble presents four composers of color whose life and works made an impact on the musical world in spite of marginalization and discrimination: Clarence Cameron White (1880–1960), Samuel Coleridge-Taylor (1875–1912), Chiquinha Gonzaga (1847–1935), and Florence Price (1887–1953). A concert moderation by Julie Comparini will contextualise the selected works to be performed.
The Bremen-based Namu Ensemble was founded in 2020 with the aim of creating a stage for underrepresented composers who due to their race, gender or circumstances have long been denied the recognition they truly deserve.
Dannielle Seiler, oboe
Susanne Milkus, clarinet
Oscar Alemany, horn
Abigail Kirsten, bassoon
Lisa Wehrhahn, violin
Hannah Craib, viola
Elena Tomarchio, cello
with Julie Comparini, voice and moderation (in German)
Friday, January 24, 2025, 7:00 PM
Dom zu Verden (Großer Saal)
Lugenstein 10–12, 27283 Verden
Saturday, February 15, 2025, 8:00 PM
Zentrum für Kunst im Tabakquartier
Hermann-Ritter-Straße 108 E, 28197 Bremen
Sunday, February 16, 2025, 3:00 PM
St. Martini zu Bremen-Lesum
Hindenburgstr. 30, 28717 Bremen
„Romantik of Color“: Klänge aus fremden Kulturer. Antje Haubrock-Kreidel,, 26.01.25