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In The Press

Podcasts and Interviews

Seelenleben einer Nonne: Isabella Leonarda
WDR Podcast "Komponistinnen in Fokus", Hannah Schmidt, 26.11.2024

Sängerin über Barockkomponistin Leonarda
Interview mit Benno Schirrmeister, taz nord, 20.09.2023

The Hugh Lane Concert Series: Yonit Kosovske, Julie Comparini and Jessica Brown
NearFM Podcast, 31.05.2022

Watershed / Culture File
RTÉ Lyric FM Culture File Podcast, 08.03.2022

Amplify No. 61: Ailís Ní Ríain and Yonit Kosovske
Amplify Podcast, Contemporary Music Centre Ireland, 07.03.2022

From Bach to Brecht
Fugue for Thought Podcast, 30.10.2016

Musikfilmfestival 2015
Interview im Nordwestradio, 22.01.2015

Musikfilmfestival 2015
Radiosendung Quodlibet im RadioWeserTV, 20.01.2015


"Katy aus dem Spring, Julie Comparini, Evelyn Gramel and Manja Stephan showed off the extravagance of their vocal talents. [...] The "Locomotive Breath" revue at the Schaulust was a cult-worthy musical highlight, thanks first of all to the performers, especially the four singing divas and guitarist [Erik] Blumenthal. Secondly for the choice of pieces, which didn't shortchange the humor. Thirdly for the ambience and the excellent sound and light technics."
Locomotive Breath, Markus Hagner, rockblogbluesspot.com, 23.09.2024

"Comparini - with a pure and rounded tone -- sings the (sometimes frankly passionate, for example regarding the author's burning love for Jesus) texts with a style that is both earthy and lyrical. The accompanying flowing rhythms show the depth of Leonarda's originality."
CD Pone spes in planctu amaro, Maartje Stokkers, De Volkskrant, 29.08.24

"Impressive how precisely the instrumental music follows and comments on the affects of the sung texts.[...] This rare and sumptuous music is performed by Julie Comparini. Her virtuosity seems to know no bounds. She sings the recitatives in an appropriate tone and the coloraturas with ease and even joyfulness -- sensational!"
CD Pone spes in planctu amaro, Diederich Lüken, klassik.com, 07.08.2024

"The agile singer and her team perform six motets and two sonatas of this early baroque music with much élan. This is how you make monastic life fun."
CD Pone spes in planctu amaro, Sebastian Loskant, Weser-Kurier, 20.07.2024

"The Bremer Kaffeehaus-Orchestra and their "special guests" put on a lively, edgy and variegated show [...] The musical revue, whose performance was jointly organised by the German Trade Union Confederation, the city of Cuxhaven and the Bremer Arbeitnehmerkammer, didn't have a dull moment and made for a highly enjoyable, but also thought-provoking evening with outstanding musical performances."
Locomotive Breath, Kai Koppe, Cuxhavener Nachrichten, 03.05.2022

"Soprano Manja Stephan, American expat Julie Comparini and jazz-savvy Evelyn Gramel were impressive in their acting talents and the strength and clarity of their singing."
Die Zauberflöte nach Uhse, Alexander Bosch, Weser-Kurier, 20.02.2018

Photo © Cosima Hanebeck
Photo © Cosima Hanebeck

"[The soloists] were a delight: Elisabeth Wimmer (soprano), Daniel Johannsen (tenor), Julie Comparini (alto) und Matthias Helm (bass). All of them conveyed the story of Christmas with amazing effortlessness."
Weihnachtsoratorium, Leopold Kogler, Niederösterreichische Nachrichten, 28.12.2017

"The wild ride through Brecht's work was an obvious joy for the musicians, and the singers were in top vocal form."
Denn wie man sich bettet, so liegt man, Volker Kölling, Weser-Kurier, 22.08.2016

"The ceremony is opened by the singers, a cappella, under the direction of Thomas Hengelbrock. Agnès Kovacs, soprano, Julie Comparini, alto, the tenors Mirko Ludwig and Victor Schiering and bass Hans Wijers. A magical moment that warms the heart as it brings tears to the eyes: the first of the three madrigals that they perform magnificently, set to music by Heinrich Isaac (1450-1517) to an anonymous text, "Innsbruck, ich muss dich lassen"."
Luc Bondy, la belle cérémonie des adieux, Armelle Heliot, Le Figaro, 10.12.2015

"Julie Comparini is an effective Jacob. Her mezzo doesn't open up as it descends, but neither does it collapse inward as so many similar voices do, and her compact tone actually helps bring off the pants-role conceit, particularly in the character's angry and defiant postures in Part Two.."
Jacob a Labano fugiens (CD), Stephen Francis Vasta, Opera News, 01.06.2015

"The production in Schrobenhausen features very young singers, whose fresh, entertaining acting and light, crisp, and extremely flexible voices were a winning factor. Vocally, Julie Comparini's (Mauxalinda) warm and pleasing mezzo was especially impressive."
Der Drache von Schrobenhausen (The Dragon of Wantley), Jesko Schulze-Reimpell, Donaukurier, 08.09.2014

"The quartet of soloists could not have been better chosen [...] Julie Comparini sang Maria's poignant lullaby for the baby Jesus and the Magnificat with heart-rending intimacy.."
Die Kindheit Jesu, Gerd Klingeberg, Weser-Kurier, 02.01.2013

Photo © Theresa Pewal
Photo © Theresa Pewal

"The arias are full of sensuous flair: "Zion" (Julie Comparini) prepares for her "bridegroom" by putting on her makeup "with tender emotion" in her boudoir [...] The aria "Frohe Hirten" is an artistic masterpiece, too: the flute part that normally accompanies the tenor is sung here with beguiling gestures by Julie Comparini. Back in the larger hall, the atmosphere is homey and Christmas-y; the beatific parents (Julie Comparini and Philippe Rayot) bond with a framed portrait of an icon of the baby Jesus – a fun pantomime paralleling the recitatives and arias describing the Christmas miracle in Bethlehem. In spite of the opulent images, the many tiny jokes, and the artistic license in the musical arrangements [...] Bach's Christmas Oratorio was never so fresh, energetic and a delight for the senses."
Weihnachtsoratorium unwrapped, Dorothee Philipp, Die Oberbadische, 19.12.2014

"Both her warm and sonorous contralto and her training as an actor were used to great effect...."
Il Dio d'Amore, Nordwest-Zeitung, 12.11.2013

"The highly chromatic aria for alto, sung with elegance and expressive warmth by Julie Comparini, condensed the already intimate atmosphere.."
Mein Odem ist schwach, Neue Westfalische, 10.11.2012

Photo © Felix Patzelt
Photo © Felix Patzelt

"Above all, Julie Comparini was brilliant as Jacob: strong and decisive, her clear articulation of the text and convincing portrayal of conflicting emotions -- fear and rage, love and pain, resolution and resignation -- made the drama tangible."
Jacob a Labano fugiens (concert), Augsburger Allgemeine, 12.09.2011

"Julie Comparini illustrated all the facets of Jacob's rage, desperation and resignation convincingly and with great musical endurance."
Jacob a Labano fugiens (concert), Donaukurier, 12.09.2011

"The superbly casted young singers were the highlight of the performance, particularly Julie Comparini as the pharmacist's dominating wife......"
Doktor und Apotheker, Der Tagesspiegel, 11.04.2009