The postwar years were a period of economic and social mobility. Radio and television broadcasts brought music from around the world into German homes and new technologies made it possible to travel around the world in style. And so the German "Nachkriegsschlager" -- and the German tourist -- were born.
Bremerhaven became not only a port of exit for transatlantic passage, but a tourist destination -- which it still aims to be today.
Fernweh Bremerhaven explores Bremerhaven's past and present role as a tourist destination in interviews, discussions, and a musical journey through the "wonder years."
Forum der Arbeitnehmerkammer
Barkhausenstraße 16, 27568 Bremerhaven
Michael Frost, Superintendant of Education and Culture, Bremerhaven
Dr. Marion Salot, Economic Policy Consultant, Arbeitnehmerkammer
Julie Comparini, voice
Eva Huck, cello
Susanne Peuker, guitar
Matthias Entrup, percussion
Dr. Dominik Santner, Arbeitnehmerkammer
Free admission
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